Hello friends! I have so much to update you all on! This will be long, so read at your own risk! ;)
Like I mentioned in my previous post, Eric and I served in Grambouchi this last week. Our team was incredible and we made amazing progress!
Every day we had school ministry, construction ministry, community outreach, kids ministry on the beach and then movie nights with the community. It was a busy week!
I just wanted to give a re-cap of our progress on Admise's home. I posted a while ago about this project and how near it was to my heart. In case you missed it, here is the before picture of her home.The team sent funds down in advance to have the land cleared and the foundation prepared and laid.
This was the first day of ministry with our whole team.
After 3 days of working hard, our team completed their work for the week.
This is the whole team on our last day. You can see one corner of the house to the front porch area. The wooden framing is for the front porch area. We estimate that a total of 6 of Admise's old homes could fit into her new one. How exciting!
Throughout the week I connected with about a million kids (surprise, I know) but these two stole my heart. The girl on the left is one of Admise's little girls named Kateline. She was shy and scared but slowly came out of her shell as the week progressed. And she also has the most beautiful eyelashes I've ever seen.
The boy on the right is just a special kid all around. There wasn't a day during the week that our team wasn't talking about him. His name is Papi. He is mentally disabled and one of the greatest blessings to be around. He is twenty two. He helped us all week at the work site, moving blocks, sifting and sand and pretty much anything you can think of. I can't wait to see my friends again when I return!
Highlight of the week?
On Thursday morning our team was supposed to head out super early for our recreation. Our teams became so wrapped up in our school ministry and an impromptu medical clinic that we were incredibly late getting started on our day. But it was this hour and 30 minute clinic that made my week.
Our team from GA was full of paramedics, nurses and medical professionals specializing in many different areas. They used up almost all of their resources on those children. Although they did not come to Haiti on a medical trip, they were always bandaging scrapes, tending to fevers and much more. So much so, that we cut quite a bit of our recreation out for the day and turned to ministry instead.
As many of you know, I'm very time oriented. I like to plan and stick with it... to an extent. So as I realized we were almost 2 hours or more behind schedule I began to worry the rest of the team would be getting upset. I walked out of the house and there they all were, sweaty and smiling. They had continued school and kids ministry the entire time! I doubt any of them were even aware of the schedule!
The Lord blessed us with not only and incredible trip and ministry progress.. but He also blessed me with a team that came with an attitude of serving. They were incredible and I was so blessed to be able to serve alongside them this week. If any of you are reading this, know I love you! Thank you!
The week wrapped up with: 13 salvations, great progress on Admise's home, Admise's home became fully-funded, many children treated and evaluated medically and the love of Christ was spread to a community in need of the gospel!
Praise the Lord, He is good!