Friday, February 24, 2012

Crafty Productivity and Bible Studies

Hey friends!

I think Marlo and I learn new things about each other everyday, which is turning out to be incredibly fun and interesting.. and at times hysterical.

Examples from this week: Bethany is not good at driving a stick-shift, Marlo is an excellent encourager. Marlo talks in her sleep. Bethany laughs at Marlo talking in her sleep. And Bethany needs organization and Marlo could be a psychologist.

So after sitting down and making out our schedule for the coming weeks, which are going to be really busy, my OCD-tendancies were surfacing and I needed to get organized. This always seems to manifest in two ways in my life, lists and crafts!

Since Marlo and I are both visual people, we had a lot of fun making our new refrigerator decor!

And as you can see, we have one idea that is already complete! Our weekly Bible Study with the boys. This was an idea that was kind of there from the get-go.

We have a wonderful, godly, Haitian man named Walle Jeanty who is working with us and he led an awesome study about having a personal relationship with Christ. The boys were incredibly receptive and attentive, we were so impressed!

One of the older boys led worship and another played piano. These boys can sing! It is so beautiful to listen to all of them sing at the top of their lungs. Here in Haiti it isn't like in the States, everyone sings loud and all the time. There is rarely a moment here at HCO that you can't hear at-least one person singing. I'm so in love with that part of the culture here! I don't ever plan on changing back, I'm going to be that "weird lady" in the States who sings everywhere she goes!

But we took some time to explain to the boys why were are here, who we are and that we are here long term. The look on their faces when I explained that Marlo would be here for a year was absolutely priceless! After our study was over, the joy of that news quickly filled the entire orphanage. The boys wouldn't go to sleep and just kept singing on into the night. And many of the boys were asking if we could have Bible Study every night! Whoa!

We are excited to continue this routine and to minister to these boys in this way. Please keep them in your prayers and pray for us as we prepare for next weeks lesson.

In Love and Singing!

Friday, February 17, 2012


Hello friends! I hope I find you well and in close communication with Christ!

This past week I took a short trip to the fishing village of Grambouchi near Les Cayes, Haiti. This was to continue set-up for a trip that Eric and I are leading in March. (This is the same as when we lead trips in Belize during the summer.) I'm so excited to be serving in such a beautiful and amazing community! It is a small village of about 200 people who live and work by the sea.

We have two teams coming down to do various ministries that week, one of which is building a home for a lovely woman named Admise.

Admise is 50 years of age and has 10 children and 7 grand-children. She still maintains a full work-week and is currently raising 7 of her 10 children on her own. Her home is approximately 125 sq. ft. and she and 7 children currently live there. She is a humble, hard-working woman.

I had the incredible opportunity to be a part of telling her about her new home! What an exciting opportunity for PPM, our teams and for Admise and her family!

Admise and a few of her children in front of her home.

Our teams in the states are doing their best to raise the funds needed for this family but I felt like this was a ministry I should open up to my supporters and followers!

Maybe you've thought about supporting me, but really would like to support a particular need. Well, now is your chance! Be the hands and feet of Christ! Be His light unto the world! 

Would you like to give to Admise and her family?
If so, go to and follow these directions!
*Choose the bubble "Haiti Relief" and
*choose my name from the drop down menu "PPM Leader"
*fill out information
*then message me on Facebook or email me at
and let me know you donated!

This money will not be used towards my trip, it will be given directly to the ministry at Admise's home.

 Thank you all for your continued support as I do my best to serve the people of Haiti as Christ allows! 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Homesickness Times Two

With me being an emotional and passionate person, I knew I would deal with a vast range of emotions during my time here in Haiti. I knew I would go through heartache, loneliness, joy and fulfillment as well as many other emotions... And I felt prepared for the homesickness that would come with leaving my husband, friends and family.

In the past month, I've felt (and still do feel) all of those emotions. But it has been incredible to watch how the Lord has strengthened me and my dependence on Him! How He has filled my soul during those times with peace, comfort and strength.

One thing that I wasn't quite as prepared for was my emotions with HCO. Marlo and I have spent some time here at Cote Plage again this week to help Cassie and Almando get ready for their wedding. (Which is tomorrow! Congrats guys, we love you!) As I began searching out my heart and figuring out why I felt so strange, I realized my heart was longing to be at HCO! Even just the short week we spent there was enough to make me fall head over heels in love with that place and the boys. My mind continues to work constantly on ways to build relationships, programs for day to day life, ideas for education, helping them learn the language, building character, establishing responsibility, etc. Like Marlo said, "I see their faces in the kids on the street, the kids here at school.." in short, I'm homesick for HCO!

One thing Eric (my husband) told me the day I was leaving was "just please come home.." I remember thinking, "haha, that won't be a problem." But as always, he knows me all too well.  Now I think to myself, "How can I ever leave this place, these boys?" This ministry is the core of who I am.

Thank You Lord for the work You have set before me! I pray You never give up on convicting me to follow Your will, my heart is open. My life is Yours!

I thought I would share some pictures that we took the other night for fun. The older boys wanted to take pictures for "Heewick" (Eric) and these are (some) of the outcomes of that night.

.Marlo and some of the guys.

Sa a se fanmi nouvo nou!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Those Little Moments

Hello friends!

As I mentioned in my last post, Marlo and I have officially moved to HCO! We are getting settled in and have begun building relationships with the boys and getting into a little bit of a routine.

As I began thinking of a post to write, I couldn't decide on just one thing to write about! I realized the reason why is because my heart is overflowing! There are so many little moments that add up to the way I am feeling right now and assure me that I am right where I'm meant to be. Like sitting in the floor with 30 boys practicing/comparing English and Creole, making fools of ourselves trying to pronounce "hard" words from the other language and laughing until it hurts.  Like watching the boys go nuts playing cards, hearing them yell my name, seeing them run to the car or even just watching their faces light up when I call them by name.

But then there are the little moments that I will carry with me for a lifetime. For instance, we have prayer and singing outside our door with all of the boys at 8:30 every night. Last night as I went to lift my hands in worship, I realized that I couldn't... due to the two little hands firmly grasping my own. What an excellent and beautiful "problem" to have.

Its these moments that fill my days, my heart and my journal. I love this place, these boys and my mission the Lord has called me to.

Thank You Lord for Your continual calling on my heart to HCO. You are Faithful, You are Good.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Packing and Friendship

Today was a rather relaxing day! (For me anyway) We got to pack up all of our stuff and do some deep cleaning, which always puts me in a good mood. We are moving to the HCO grounds tomorrow! Praise the Lord!

Marlo and I started the morning with our Bible studies and breakfast and then began getting to work. Throughout the day we got to spend some good quality time talking about our expectations of living in Haiti, serving in Haiti and about the future! It was so incredible to compare our desires, overall visions and excitement!

I remember praying before I came down on this trip for Marlo and I to become good friends and for the Lord to bless our friendship. Boy, is He smiling now! He knew exactly what He was doing.

A good 'ole Tennessee girl, Marlo gets my southern accent (even-though I don't have one!) ;) and even some of my "country" sayings. (Who knew I was so country?) She gets my off-the-wall humor and yes, even my Lord of The Rings references. (I know.. awesome, right?) She has an incredible life story of growing up in Zaire and in the U.S. with two very loving parents and a host of (seriously beautiful) siblings. Her life-story is inspiring and amazing, to say the least. She is an incredible person inside and out who loves the Lord and wants to be used by Him in every way.. She is staying here in Haiti for an entire year! What a commitment!

We are so excited to begin living at HCO and getting to deepen our relationships with the boys there. It is encouraging just how similar our passions are and yet, how different our interests are. It seems as though the Lord paired us up to compliment each other... but He's pretty great at the whole "exceeding our expectations" thing isn't He?

I am filled with so many emotions as February is now here! One month in Haiti! I am so excited to be here, serving and living out my heart! It's awesome to hear of all of the new support that the Lord is providing! Thank you everyone who has sent up prayers and sent in finances on my behalf! 

Be in prayer for Marlo and I as we begin living at HCO and getting to deepen our relationships and start learning about the boys and the needs at the orphanage.

In His love!